Mass | Time | Choir Leader |
Saturday | 4:00 PM (English) | Charlie Brown |
Sunday | 10:00 AM (English) | Eddie Gandolfi |
Sunday | 8:00AM & 12:00 PM (Spanish) | Sonia Escobar & Jack Vega |
Proclaimers read scripture at Sunday, Holy Day and special Masses during the year. Proclaimers must have the permission of the pastor, must attend the required seminars given by the Archdiocese, and must be delegated by the Archdiocese as a Proclaimer.
Those wishing to be part of this ministry should contact the church office.
Eucharistic Ministers administer the Sacrament of Holy Communion at Sunday, Holy Day and special Masses during the year. They also bring Holy Communion to the sick and shut-ins within our parish.
Eucharistic Ministers must have the permission of the pastor, must attend the required seminars given by the Archdiocese, and must be delegated by the Archdiocese as a Eucharistic Minister.
Those wishing to be part of this ministry should contact the church office.
Ushers assist at Sunday, Holy Day and special Masses during the year, by greeting and assisting those entering the church for Mass, helping people find seats, taking collections, and estimating Mass attendance.
Those wishing to be Ushers should contract the church office.
The Altar Society takes the responsibility of decorating and keeping the altar in order, and maintaining an ample supply of clean altar linens for Mass.
Those wishing to join the Altar Society should contact the church office.
Catholic Youth Groups are organizations for teens aged 13-17. They are formed to provide spiritual, social and athletic activities for the youth of the parish. These groups, governed by directives from the Archdiocese, have coordinators and resources available at the Archdiocese and Deanery levels, in addition to those adults (18 yrs. and older) of the parish who work with the youth.
Those wishing to participate in this very important ministry should contact the church office (443-3174).
This is a ministry to help house, clothe, and feed the poor and homeless of our community. It provides emergency energy assistance, rent assistance and helps with some prescription medications to those living within St. Jerome’s boundaries.
Members also make home visits, prepare Thanksgiving baskets, and sponsor special Christmas giving.
Parishioners may donate canned (packaged) foods by depositing them in the Collection Box in the main entrance of church. Cash donations may be made by using the Ministry of Concern envelopes and also by using the St. Anthony poor box in the rear of the church.
Those wishing to join the Ministry of Concern should contact the church office (443-3174).
The Unity & Hospitality Committee will form activities and implement methods to welcome new parishioners and insure that existing parishioners feel welcomed and cared for. This ministry will oversee the formation and practices for the ushers. This ministry will evaluate ways to reach out to parishioners who are experiencing hardships, such as serious illness or death of a family member. They will oversee preparations for receptions and meals for parish sacramental celebrations.
To participate in the Unity & Hospitality Committee, please contact the church office (443-3174).
This ministry is a PRAYING GROUP open to the public. Every Friday at 7:30 PM at the Bethlehem Chapel they unite to praise the Lord. They start with the Rosary and follow on with charismatic songs and praise. They also study the Bible more deeply. The group usually has a first Friday Mass each month. Once a year they have a retreat with special preachers and activities.
To join this group come Friday at 7:30 PM to the chapel.
This ministry coordinates with the deacons and priests to help couples prepare well for marriages and validations. Couples are referred by the priest preparing the couple for marriage.
To participate in this ministry, please contact the church office.